Mamlūk Studies Review

The Middle East Documentation Center at The University of Chicago

Editorial Board

Editor: Marlis J. Saleh, The University of Chicago

Associate Editor: Frédéric Bauden, University of Liège

Editorial Board:

Reuven Amitai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Doris Behrens-Abouseif, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Anne F. Broadbridge, University of Massachusetts

Vanessa de Gifis, Wayne State University

Li Guo, University of Notre Dame

R. Stephen Humphreys, University of California, Santa Barbara

Igarashi Daisuke, Waseda University

John L. Meloy, American University in Cairo

Carl F. Petry, Northwestern University

Warren C. Schultz, DePaul University

Bethany J. Walker, University of Bonn

Patrick Wing, University of Redlands

John E. Woods, The University of Chicago

Founder and Editor Emeritus: Bruce D. Craig, The University of Chicago

Production: Olaf G. Nelson, The University of Chicago

Publication Information

Mamlūk Studies Review is published by the Middle East Documentation Center (MEDOC), The University of Chicago.

ISSN (printed volumes): 1086-170X

E-ISSN (electronic version): 1947-2404

Aims and Scope

Mamlūk Studies Review is an annual, Open Access,, refereed, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria (648-922/1250-1517).

The goals of Mamlūk Studies Review are to take stock of scholarship devoted to the Mamluk era, nurture communication within the field, and promote further research by encouraging the critical discussion of all aspects of this important medieval Islamic polity. The journal includes both articles and reviews of recent books.

Ethics Statement

Mamlūk Studies Review, its editors, and its staff are committed to publishing original, high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship while maintaining strict ethical standards in the publishing and review processes. Contributions are evaluated solely on their scholarly merit without regard to the age, ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, or any other characteristics of their authors. All work submitted to MSR must be the original work of its author(s) or it will not be accepted for publication. Every submission is reviewed by the editors, members of the editorial board, and outside scholars whose specific expertise in the field qualifies them to judge the quality of scholarship, relevance, and originality of the work. Authors' names and other identifiers are not visible to reviewers.


Submissions of original work on any aspect of the field are welcome, although the editorial board will periodically issue volumes devoted to specific topics and themes. Mamlūk Studies Review also solicits edited texts and translations of shorter Arabic source materials (waqf deeds, letters, fatawa and the like), and encourages discussions of Mamluk era artifacts (pottery, coins, etc.) that place these resources in wider contexts. An article or book review in Mamlūk Studies Review makes its author a contributor to the scholarly literature and should add to a constructive dialogue.

All questions regarding style should be resolved through reference to the MSR Editorial and Style Guide and The Chicago Manual of Style.

Content in Mamlūk Studies Review is copyrighted by its author(s) and published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY). The CC-BY license explicitly grants anyone permission to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, use, or link to the full text of the work, as long as users properly cite the author(s) and MSR.

Please contact the editor regarding uses which may fall outside of this description.

Open Access

Mamlūk Studies Review  is an open access publication. We believe that free and open access to scholarship benefits everyone.

Open Access means that users, whether individual readers or institutions, are able to access articles and other content in MSR at no charge. All content published in MSR will be immediately and permanently free for anyone to read, download, copy, print, or distribute, with some restrictions.

All content published in MSR is copyrighted and each author of content published in Mamlūk Studies Review retains the copyright to his or her work. By licensing it under the Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY), the author explicitly grants anyone permission to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, use, or link to the full text of the article, as long as users properly cite the article’s author(s) as defined in the license, section 3(a)(1).

This journal does not charge any fees for submission or publication of articles.


All communications should be sent to: Marlis J. Saleh, Editor, Mamlūk Studies Review, Regenstein Library Rm 560, 1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA. The editor can be contacted by email at


Mamlūk Studies Review is an Open Access journal. All content is copyrighted under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license. See the Open Access page for more information.


© Middle East Documentation Center


